What is Employment Practice liability Insurance?

EPLI is a type of liability insurance covering wrongful acts arising from the employment process. In a nutshell, it protects a company from having to suffer financial instability in the form of allegations that result in a lawsuit.

Why do you need Employment practice liability insurance?

As an employer, you face a rising tide of employment practices litigation alleging discrimination, sexual harassment, retaliation, and other employment-related issues. Below are some scenarios that EPLI can protect you against:

  • Discrimination (based on sex, race, age or disability, for example)
  • Wrongful termination
  • Sexual Harassment
  • Negligent Employee Evaluation
  • Wrongful deprivation of a career opportunity
  • Invasion of Privacy
  • Other employment-related issues, such as failure to promote

Why is EPLI important?

Workers file lawsuits against employers daily. More than 1/3 of employee claims are made against medium to small businesses.When that happens, a business owner needs help. This is why you need Employment Practices Liability insurance (EPLI)

NOTE: New hires pose an employment practices liability risk too. There is an immediate risk of an employment claim from the moment a prospective employee is interviewed. For example, if you choose not to hire the interviewee, that individual could allege some sort of discrimination. Or, if you hire that person and later fire them due to poor attendance, that discharged employee could claim wrongful termination.

Tip: One question to ask an insurer is whether the costs of defending a claim in court count towards the payout limit for any damages. Also, look out for mention of a “claims made” basically that’s insurance jargon that means you are only covered if the policy is active both when the alleged incident took place and when the employee makes the claim.

Insuredbiz offers comparative quotes on Employment practice liability insurance from multiple insurance carriers so you can get the best possible rate.
Want to see how much we can save you? Click here to request a quote to find out.

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